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Fizica – Mihaela Chirita – Culegere 2006 – Editura Tehnologic Buying a physics book is not always an easy decision. You will want to consider the content and also the size of the text. A usual question that arises before buying a new book is "how long will it take to read this?". It’s true that many books can be really long and difficult, but there are very interesting books that don't require such effort and time commitment. The book we are discussing today is an example of such books. The book Fizica (Physics) is a compilation of the four leavers by Mihaela Chirita. It was published in 2006 by Editura Tehnologic, a publishing house specialized in technical publications. This is a physics book for students from highschool, university and college students interested in learning some physics concepts on a more theoretical basis, without necessarily requiring a lot of background theory from the student. This book is a compilation of the following books:Of course, this is not a high-level theoretical physics book, but it still contains a lot of very interesting information regarding classical mechanics, thermodynamics, an ideal gas or fluids. In this book you can find a lot of examples from everyday life situations and also from recent news articles. This makes the reading much more interesting and practical. The language used in this book is quite simple and therefore it can be understood very easily by students in high school or in college with some basic knowledge in physics even if they are in their first year, but also by anyone interested who wants to deepen his knowledge on some particular topics. The book contains the following tables, diagrams and figures:One of the main objectives of this book is to have readers develop their own knowledge by experimenting with many examples. I especially liked these aspects about this textbook. This is a great advantage for students because they can ask their teachers questions regarding some theoretical topics they read in the book, but also they can test themselves, do experiments on it themselves and learn various physics concepts on their own. This is an advantage for teachers as well because students can learn about physics without having to attend any lectures or classes. This way, they can use this book as a complement to the classes they go to. Another aspect that I really liked about this book is that it doesn't follow any particular order when discussing various concepts. As you know, in some physics books the order in which concepts are presented is very important or else certain topics won’t make sense afterwards. With this book, this is not the case. Although each chapter has a different topic, the information isn't necessarily presented in order, but rather there are repetitions of certain concepts throughout different chapters. cfa1e77820